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Here are some of my program pals that are absolutely loving themselves through the process and even more after the process. It can be scary to go to the gym at first but after joining my program you will have guidance and your confidence will shine.


4 Weeks


“I always get so nervous taking pics but putting them side by side makes me feel so good!! Crazy to think that much difference has already been made.”

“I never thought I could ever get toned but I’m seriously so shook !!! Cali is seriously incredible!”

"I absolutely love not only the individualized plans Cali gives to me weekly but also the support she gives me when I feel too lazy to hit the gym. The results I've seen are absolutely insane and I didn't think it was possible to see the results I wanted this quickly."  


5 Weeks


“I feel so much stronger, healthier, and happier now. Your plans helped me reach the best version of myself and I can’t wait to keep improving!”

“Just after one week of training I could already start to see a difference in my body. I felt stronger and happier and seeing these results made me motivated. Before I started this guide, I first tried the workouts in your at home abs video and the next day I was so sore. That’s when I knew I had to purchase your guide because I knew I would get amazing results and I was right. Thank you Cali for making me feel so good :)”


7 Weeks


“It is crazy to think these pictures are me only 7 weeks apart. I gained weight my senior year of college and I was feeling so down about myself and the way I looked. However, Cali and her fitness/meal plan changed EVERYTHING FOR ME! It’s so crazy for me to say that my weight is the same in each photo, I didn’t know toning and barely doing any cardio could be so transforming. Making a change in your life isn’t easy so it was awesome to be be able to text Cali about anything I was struggling with and she really understood what I was going through. I truly can not say enough how much I am obsessed with Cali and her program!!!” 


10 Weeks


“Cali is the biggest inspiration, she is always there to make sure I’m feeling my best not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Every text I send I get a fast response, I’m so happy to have found her.”


11 Weeks


“You don’t notice it day to day and this picture even looks drastic but I swear my mind has changed more than my body. I have way more confidence now than I thought I ever could.”

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all of my plans have been carefully thought out and are made for those looking for a quick and easy way to start living the CALIFULLERFIT way!

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my programs are designed to give you the most authentic CALIFULLERFIT experience and will give you exclusive access to me, new workouts every week, and so much more!

instagram: @califullerfit

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California Fuller is not a doctor, mental health professional, registered dietician, or certified personal trainer. The contents of any document on this website or social media platforms should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, care for, or prevent any known health problem. None of her content being posted or sold should replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your personal health professional for any matters regarding your health, or before attempting any workout program.

By participating in any program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your own actions, including sustained injury or worse. All documents that are included or purchased from California Fuller are between California Fuller and the client, and should not be copied, sold, or redistributed without the consent of California Fuller.